This is an online family gathering of sons, brothers & friends from around the country. We are coming together in agreement with the prayer of Yahshua in John 17:21-26, and fully embrace the Father's heart concerning Ephesians 4:1-6
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 8828 6916
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Also, once you are signed in please mute yourself after you are greeted. The host will ask you to unmute yourself minutes before the call starts in order to allow us to greet one another. If you are muted after the call starts the host will ask you to unmute yourself or call on you by name.
Please mute or turn off your mobile devices before the call and enjoy uninterrupted fellowship. We only have one hour a week together.
Note: This call is a private call, by invitation only. It is not publicly shared on social networks or other venues.
> This call is recorded to protect the participants and the integrity of the call. A private link to the call is available to all active participants.
> This call is about connecting, communicating, corroborating & collaborating with one another in the ongoing work of Apostolic/Kingdom and MarketPlace Ministry.
> This call is about effectively demonstrating a genuine manifestation of Kingdom power and authority.
> This call is about representing the way of the Father's heart by the Holy Spirit.
>The H.O.M.E. family gathering is about becoming an accurate expression of Kingdom Family & Community.
(House Of Messiah's Ekklesia) - 'A Place of the Person of His Power'
"True KINGDOM community is when the many different houses and families (cultures) that make up the Ekklesia find a way to relate to one another in Messiah without doubtful disputation."
We are not in competition with organized religion and are not against anything or anybody that is a part of the house that Yahshua is building. We are not attempting to replace real and living relationship with virtual reality, and our coming together online is for His greater Kingdom purpose.
Give and it shall be given unto you - Luke 6:38 AMPC